The summer bite is finally here as well as the heat and afternoon showers.
Over slot Redfish and Snook bite has been great in Sebastian Inlet and at
the jetties. There is bait on the beach near Vero Beach and off of Melbourne
Beach with a few Tarpon, big jacks and some Kingfish in the mix as well. The
Indian River has been ok for some underslot and slot sized redfish and small
trout during the daytime from Sebastian to Palm Bay and Melbourne. The
Pogies are outside Port Canaveral along the beach from Cocoa to Melbourne
Beach and there are some Threadfins on the beach and offshore from Melbourne
Beach down to Vero beach. We will be targeting the Big Jack Crevalle, Snook
Tarpon Redfish and Cobia along the beaches and nearshore wrecks over the
next few weeks. Summertime patterns are in full swing and the action will
only get better as we get to late June/early July.
- Capt. Glyn Austin
- (321) 863-8085